sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

Cervexecution - Yukon Fucking Death Metal (Demo 2011)

Cervexecution - Yukon Fucking Death Metal (Demo 2011) 
Death Metal from Canada

The only existing studio recordings of Yukon death metal band, CERVEXECUTION....largely unheard, until now. 
All tracks were recorded live off the floor in one or two takes, in a frigid practice space/home studio. No overdubs, no click tracks, no triggers and no friggin' around, pal. 
"Creating music infused with uncompromising brutality, speed & gore drenched obscenity. Hellish vocals, snarling guitars, dissonant solos and relentless drumming combine to create a whirlwind of auditory violence. Like many of their contemporaries, they draw influence from many of the original pioneers of the genre during the late 80's/early 90's, such as Death, Autopsy, Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation & Entombed."
released February 18, 2016 

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