martes, 2 de febrero de 2016

Death & The Miser - Jack The Riffer EP

Death & The Miser - Jack The Riffer EP 
Stoner Metal / Rock From U.K

"This band meld early Trouble to Budgie and Atomic Rooster. It's a late '70s riff rage.... While their sound is a little more organically doom-laden than Angel Witch circa 1980, somehow they've also captured the appeal that made the cult NWOBHM masters so popular in those formative days. The promise and potential is there for a big push forward." Malcolm Dome - Metal Hammer, March 2015.
First off "Jack The Riffer" is an inspired name for an EP. Now is the EP as good as it's title?
Death & The Miser come on like Sabbath on a fast spin cycle. Where a lot of bands take Sabbath type riffage and slow it down for max heaviness i.e. Sleep, these guys have gone the other way and taken them up a gear....and it works! Favorite track: Lost Aspirations.

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