viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

Evnen - Act. I

Evnen - Act. I
Symphonic Death Metal From Spain

The idea for this project comes from the mind of "Lazard" (Sergi Thomas) and Yann few years ago. Their intention was to make a death / brutal technical metal strings and pianos. Thus was born at the time Bleed Of Dust, name we gave to the band when we started. After two years of stop, in 2014, we decided to rekindle with two new additions: Jordi and Dani. At that time the group took another dynamic was beginning to shape his style. We could say that Bleed of Dust died and was born Evnen.
Currently "Evnen" continues to soldier on, and now with an EP and a concert at their backs, are dying to give much performance on stage and people know them more closely.

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