domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2019

Veneraxiom – Intercurse

1.       Veneraxiom – Intercurse
Black Metal From U.S.

Originated from L.A. California, this trio composed of a guitarist, bassist and drummer, successfully converge in this first EP that represents the musical project very well, basically the lyrics focus on the occult and the invocation of demons assimilating very well the conviction transmitted since the same Songs are accompanied by good dramatic intros that definitely immerse the listener in a dark and macabre atmosphere. The sound achieved is impeccable and essentially appropriate for Death Black Metal handling excellent distortion, equalization and low sound of the underworld, also the percussion is very fluid with accurate beats at the appropriate times and with the corresponding reverberation. The vocalization is performed by the bassist and the guitarist in a synchronized manner which gives a more infernal character to this work and more when the voices are heard simultaneously.

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