martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

Apathy Again – Mechanic

1.       Apathy Again – Mechanic
Groove Metal From Czechia

This band composed of 3 members brings together the best features of Groove Metal more convincing. The album "mechanic" released in 2017 retains much of the mid-tempo and bright electric bass that reminds us of the "chaos AD" of the iconic band SEPULTURA and numerous albums of the renowned band PANTERA, ALSO you can see the constant use of tuning Get off the electric guitar and its dark emphasis away from being fast like thrash metal, although you can see some influences from the hardcore punk post. Generally the band dont emphasizes on the riff , however the song “ Mechanic” have a great electric guitar riff , that accompanied by the percussion and the gutural screams do for this a great song. Download From bandzone

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