miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Apofis Imn - La palabra de Satan (Promo EP)

1.       Apofis Imn - La palabra de Satan (Promo EP)
Black Metal From Republic Dominican / Argentina

Authentic maleficiency and occultism can be smelled in these songs, these compositions were definitely performed with the darkest intention coming from hellish minds, two guitars and a bass load an atmosphere full of mystery, it is for this reason that a deep shudder can be perceived. The composition is achieved with an excellent structure that balances the rawness and melody in a very sinister way, so the time dedicated to these musical elaborations is noted. In "invoking the evil one" you can see the dedication in the elaboration of this 7-minute song that also has some interesting changes consistent with the plot of the sound also with dark guitar solos and predominant sonorous bass. Something to highlight is the synchronized and sometimes alternated vocalization of a duo, this makes a dominant effect heard where a sharp and raw voice accompanies a deep guttural and taken from the deepest of darkness, the latter can be noticed a lot in “ My pact with darkness ”. Finally the song "The word of satan" is a bit faster, distressing and with excellent tempo changes but does not lose that raw essence that characterizes the band.

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