martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

'Iisnááhí - Death to the Tyrant

1.       'Iisnááhí - Death to the Tyrant
Black Metal From U.S.

This musical project is made entirely by the soloist Mista King, who makes use of his hidden and musical faculties to perform this EP released in 2018 under the label of Diné black metal (native). The style of black metal is conservative with repetitive riffs but mixed very ben to adapt easily to the changes of compas and tempo, the vocalization varies from the traditional shrieks shrieks to the screams and the hoarse nasal sound that reminds bands like Immortal or Inquisition . The percussion is excellent, very consistent and without exaggeration as can be seen in the song "baa yaa hasin" and its great final guitar solo. Finally, the song that gives its name to this Ep shows an initial constancy in the riff with a percussion that in each period of time ends with several strokes in an elegant way. You can also hear a great guitar solo in the middle of the last song and in the end a silence that awakens a shouting scream with a guitar solo. This work is also accompanied by a cover of the Rammstein band with the theme Ich Will. the album "Wolves of a Dead Generation" is currently being promoted

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