lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2019

NOOSFERA – Distinción

1.       NOOSFERA – Distinción
Avant Garde metal From Mexico

On this occasion Gildardo Rábago Cacho, the unique composer of this project, makes use of his experimental ingenuity to include elements of tribal music within this new album, within the lyric lacks of harmony you can hear incitements to misanthropy and the destruction of the humanity, which is nothing unusual among noosphere works. It can be noted that the songs with odd numbers correspond to environmental songs and without voices where the use of native instruments of tribes from many parts of the world predominates (including oriental and aboriginal sounds) while the songs with even numbers correspond to songs whose base is similar to that of contemporary avant-garde classical music, where disorder predominates under the pretext of sharpening the ear. Download from jamendo

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