domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019

SOLO - Di negocios

1.       SOLO - Di negocios
Alternative Rock From Spain

This time this solo project comes with new songs, the sound quality in this album leaves much to be desired, an imbalance in the sound is heard especially in the song "train destiny to hell" despite having a good riff, many times the hoarse and soft voice does not coincide in the song with the sequence of the musical rhythm, it is noted that many words accumulate in a rhythmic sequence which forces it to be said faster, there are songs like “neither forgiveness nor oblivion” that has a closer focus to surf with some rock ballad that in turn has a good change of pace at the beginning but in its progress a lot of monotony is noticed, in “Another unresolved case” as well as in other songs the percussion is desperate, there is a rhythmic base that It does not match the rhythm of the other instruments and the singing. Finally I draw attention in this and other albums the bad sound that transmits the sound of the electric guitar when they make notes with it. "ETA's latest attack" is perhaps the only punk rock song. In general terms, the tendency of SOLO is perhaps of experimentation, very few albums surprise, since a transcendental change in innovation or improvement is not observed, however the songs serve to set some bar or something similar. Download From jamendo

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