domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019

Defective reality – Demo 2015

1.       Defective reality – Demo 2015
Groove/Death/Progressive Metal From Germany

Combining the most powerful of the percussions of Death Metal, along with the structures of Progressive Metal and some notes in Groove Metal tunings, this good trio of musicians that make up this musical project since 2015, however, it should be noted that this band theoretically born in 1991 with the name "veredict" achieving truly accelerated and forceful sounds in this completely instrumental demo. The songs are really a story told in several parts that includes as a main component the recalcitrant mystery of Death Metal, it should be noted that the battery is possibly programmed with some software but the sound achieved with two guitars and a bass really surprises as in the song "The Great dormancy." "Noises of torment" awakens an elastic sensation as it lowers the rhythm of the percussion on several occasions making there is time to appreciate the movement of the guitars, "Stranded in the void of afterlife" refers to a combination of a slow and dark riff with an accelerated percussion, which mixes very well with each other and with possible sound effects achieved with the distortion of one of the guitars.

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