domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019

Project Ruins - Project Ruins

1.       Project Ruins - Project Ruins
Melodic Death Metal / Metalcore

This musical project was initiated by the sound engineer David Beaumont who at some point dreamed of doing a tour but before the impossibility he decided to show through an academic project how international collaboration can be achieved for the formation of a band using software and available technologies, the result is that this project was successfully achieved whose first album was released in 2009 and can now be downloaded freely, the sound that can be found in this album is very modern, not conservative with any Metal style and more aligned with the Metalcore without vestiges of Death Metal anywhere, the speed and the structure conditional on certain standards combined with certain extra technical sounds prevents more unusual things from being perceived, the riff of the song “Vague Ideas” could be highlighted Of Sin ”whose fluency sets the mood in a sophisticated technological system. Currently the band has released "closing the season", their most recent production almost 10 years after releasing the first album.

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