domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019

Playdown - Demo 2

1.       Playdown - Demo 2
Groove/Thrash Metal From Serbia

Influenced by bands like Iron Maiden, Panther, Therapy ?, Six Feet Under, Metallica, Paradise Lost, Alter Bridge, Crowbar and Queensryche, this band releases this second demo in 2016 showing a skill and good synchrony of instruments, notably a syncretization is done of several styles of Metal including Heavy Metal, but with a total predominance of Groove Metal, it is not for nothing that the band bears that name, the use of breakdowns is essential in this album. The guttural is intercepted many times with clean voices, however the main thing is aggressive singing, so such combination is not impertinent, although much of the essence of the 90s is rescued (listen to “luci mind”)

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