miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

EDDY CACHELA - Facebook y Twitter te degollarán

EDDY CACHELA - Facebook y Twitter te degollarán
Avant garde Rock From Argentina

Synthetic sounds, unconventional structures, oddities in melodies are some things that can be found with this album, although there are some songs whose environmental background is very pleasant, except when mixed with elements that distort their harmony, an example of something disturbing in rhythm terms is the failed progressive attempt (so it seems) of the song "elemental opus 10". There are ingenious sounds like those that sound like video games surely made with synthesizers, but definitely every attempt to understand this work is vanished with those damn incoherent cuts, that rotten mixture and also the quality of the sound of the voice that seems recorded in a cave without inspire no fear but dislike, perhaps this is the "plus" of this album, be as unpleasant to the ear as possible. Download jamendo.com

1 comentario:

  1. hola lechón grasiento,el tema al que te dedicas desnaturalizándolo,es un estudio elemental para piano que compuse en el año 1980.largá el heavy metal,gilipoyas¡¡¡
    eddy cachela
