miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

GAZ - Couple of Things to Love

GAZ - Couple of Things to Love
Avant Garde Rock From Finland

The instrumentation and voice in this musical project are well executed, however strange moments are perceived where melodic coherence does not coincide between the two, so it is presumed that this is done intentionally considering the experimental basis of this solo album, the handling and coupling throughout the songs it is consistent, generally the songs are dense due to the managed, dark and melancholic singing; However, a song similar to that used in some bands of Gothic Rock and darkwave can be determined, but for this reason it is not only classified in those genres. The electric bass is perceived as is the guitar and percussion, but a better arrangement of the gains in volume is necessary so that the mixture comes out pleasant to the ear. Track 5, 6 and 7 are the most energetic and close to Rock and roll and Hard Rock. Download From jamendo.com

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