viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

D.Ex - Pět obrazů mysli

D.Ex - Pět obrazů mysli
Heavy Metal From Czechia

From the city of Jihlava, this band monopolizes a good Heavy Metal that initially when listening to this EP does not seem very eloquent, but in its epic way it expresses a lot of emotionality especially when mixed with the slow percussion times, the segmented and galloping riffs, in addition of eventual guitar solos. The vocal technique is acceptable, especially in the song "Cás", the song "Ikaros" is very emotional and appeased, however he really likes the guitar solo and the gallop that is expressed just before starting the second half where he does more energetic. similar occurs with the song "temné" where it appears to be appeased at the beginning but copes with fast and energetic moments. Download from

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