viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

Necrocosm - Infinite Darkness

Necrocosm -  Infinite Darkness
Black Metal From Brazil

Raw and sinister, this album composed entirely of Count Imperium Vociferous Necrocosm, shows how a conservative project is carried out with the second wave of black metal, more specifically with the wave of black metal of the early 90s, essentially consisting of well-known riffs. defined and properly provided pickings, the song "Walking Towards the Occult" shows the transition between various times ranging from the marked to the fastest, "Caminho Para Sitra Ahra" is a song that remains aggressive and fast in all its length, "Majestic Kingdom" starts and ends as densely as possible with a double percussion pedal making it more eye-catching, the rest of this song runs at varying speeds, "Spiritual Transition 0" is a low-key song with its riffs and can easily avoid being confused with the riffs of other styles such as hardcore punk, "Infinite Darkness" is an expression with a very characteristic base beat Static to black metal, a three-beat beat, the album ends with a song of gloomy and pessimistic sounds whose name is "Source Of Windom".

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