martes, 28 de julio de 2020

xIron Sharpens Ironx - music community The Tragedy of Mankind

xIron Sharpens Ironx - music community The Tragedy of Mankind 
Blackened HC/Metal/Thrash from U.S.

influencias: Ringworm, Pig Destroyer, Lock Up, Nails, Shai Hulud. , Millions of Dead Angels, Enemy of Creation, BlastCap, You're Dead, 2 Minute Minor, Penitentiary, Kill Tomorrorw, Throne, Wounded Touch, Andor, Drink Their Blood.
Liricas: N/A
cancion recomendada: all
instrumentacion: 9
voz: 9 al estilo post hardcore groove
producción MUSICAL : 9
portada: 7

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