domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2019

D-Human – Demo 2010

1.       D-Human – Demo 2010
Groove Metal From Greece

It is a Groove Metal with strong influences from Hardcore Punk and Thrash Metal. When judging by the way to start the songs you can notice a good synchronization and instrumental handling according to the hate message that the band transmits, the gallops in the guitar riffs are blunt and predominate in presence with respect to the rest of the instruments at the moment of suspense, in parallel you can notice some Slides on the guitar and very good guitar solos. This demo consists of 3 songs which are available for free download from bandcamp, recently the band releases the album "Darker days to come" which includes the songs of this demo plus another 8 that are part of the new repertoire. Download Outher songs of this demo On bandcamp

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