domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2019

Sepulchral Rite - Among The Dead Ones

1.       Sepulchral Rite - Among The Dead Ones
Death Metal From Mexico

Undoubtedly, Death Metal of the old guard well represented and loyal to the genre, the compositions are really amazing, not at all tedious and monotonous, it is dynamic and very variant in the rhythms without losing the central axis that forges Death Metal. The accompaniment of the percussion with the guitars is symbiotic, although the presence of the electric bass is not present, the distortion of the rhythm guitar does a good job of shaking any environment. Guitar solos are virtuous but not to the point of exaggeration. The cuts and transitions are very well achieved. The vocalization is also authentic of the first waves of the old school Death Metal. The band is influenced by bands like Morbid Angel, Sodom, Vader, Sepultura, Kreator, Obituary, Dismember and Bloodbath.

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