martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

AL RYDEN - Цикличность Пустоты (2005)

1.       AL RYDEN - Цикличность Пустоты (2005)
Blues Rock From Russia

In this album you can learn about the direct basic percussion structures within the versatility offered by rock, usually in moderate tempos, through rhythms of Blues, jazz (track 8), Funk (track6), Classic Rock and Alternative Rock. The electric guitars have some interesting riffs that remind you of the rock movement of the 60s, 70s and 80s, also in relation to the handling of synthesizers as you can perceive on track 2. The singing is quite emotional and not very technical, contrary to what would be expected with the good instrumental base, however it is consistent with the musical rhythm, an example of this is on track 2 and 4. The guitar solos are impeccable and handle different techniques for sliding and pushing the strings that gives them an essential effect without using digital devices, this can be evidenced in track 3 onwards. Undoubtedly, the most stimulating song to reference it with the spirit of rock is track 7, since it implies a rebel, powerful riff, the song is torn and a little less emotional, also the percussion is deeply rooted with the stoner rock, without counting with the powerful guitar solos and the excellent tempo change accelerated in the 2:45 minute. Track 10 is more mystical and appeased at the beginning by the guitar base it has which, together with the present percussion, achieves a good elaboration. Finally, track 12 offers a new instrument for standing percussion that makes it sound more of a Latin atmosphere. In general it is a good album, not very aggressive or rebellious, but on a good musical basis. Download From jamendo 

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