martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

OUTHIS - Anonym'Us

1.       OUTHIS - Anonym'Us
Progressive Rock / Alternative Rock / Avant Garde Rock

The vast majority of songs have a very simple and minimalist but well accomplished percussionist base, especially the Jazz base present in almost all the songs, something true in this album is that it can be classified as Progressive and experimental rock because of the instrumental and uncoordination Vocal evidenced in some parts of the songs resembles the avant-garde movements in classical music, which disagrees a bit within what is usually heard in traditional experimental rock. Within the shortcomings of this album you can see an interesting complement in relation to piano arrangements, synthetic orchestral arrangements and the cutting of street sounds. The song is desperately bad in vocal technique because there is repeated challenge, what we do not know is if this was intentionally, the truth is that it is not heard well or less when the other instruments are uncoordinated, what we can rescue is that in the middle of the disorder the instruments carry a predictable sequence within a global sound structure (Listen to the song “walk on the Dust”), other times the vocalization and some aspects remember iconic songs like “Revolution Number nine” of the Beatles contained in The "White Album" is therefore not uncommon to also find some similarities with the way of singing of John Lennon in its final stages. Download From jamendo 

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