miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Morbid Vitality - Beyond the Realms of Obscurity

1.       Morbid Vitality - Beyond the Realms of Obscurity
Death Thrash Metal From U.S.

This is a band that is undoubtedly considered wasted since it had potential but unfortunately it is not active, which is clear that these members were very clear about what the old school of extreme Metal is. In the first room the guitars sound very well with a rather underground distortion with a remarkable handling of fast notes in one of the guitars, as well as a good rhythm, bass and percussion guitar handling, additionally the rhythm changes and the pause is impeccable, This can be seen in the track "Necromantic Incantation". Unfortunately the songs are not heard with a good mix, it is surely understandable for being a demo, but the voices are definitely heard far away.

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