miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

World Below - 2018 Demo

1.       World Below - 2018 Demo
Death Thrash Metal From U.S.

This band has what it takes at the musical level to play with all the forcefulness of the moment, the band calls itself exclusively as metal but the truth is that here elements of Metalcore and Post hardcore are handled that cannot be omitted, so much so that the first impression of the first song of this demo was Crust punk, starting with the peculiar form of singing that closely resembles the Groovy style and sometimes crust sometimes, guitar riffs are exquisite and accompanied by good guitar solos that sometimes spread in a good time of the song. I highlight the song “wraith procession” which consists of some excellent rhythm changes according to the genre, generally when the riffs are intermittent they are accompanied by good solos, at the end of the song you can hear a powerful and excellent change of very optimal rhythm whose transition is towards the accelerated gallop .. Now the band is releasing its most recent album called "carrion" which is available on bandcamp.

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