domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019

FenrisWulf - Wolves of Odin

1.       FenrisWulf - Wolves of Odin
Melodic Death Metal From South Africa

influenced by bands like Amon Amarth, Kataklysm, trivium, Insomnium and Eluveitie, arise in the city of Secunda launching this EP in 2018, it contains an obvious emotional charge with a good instrumental performance that allows us to say that it is a good job , the guttural handling is very broad and melodically consistent with the sounds, the leading and rhythmic guitars are in complete synchrony manifesting themselves in melancholic pickings and a percussion present in the opportune moments, the electric bass is very preponderant and certainly gives relevance to the guitar riffs which can be seen in greater detail in songs like "age of steel".

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