domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019

Termogenesis - Entre los escombros

1.       Termogenesis - Entre los escombros
Electronic/Heavy Metal/Rock From Spain

Musical project created by Eto Morales who from the beginning mixed electronic music very well with Rock / Metal, especially with the Melodic Heavy styles nearby with Power Metal. The use of electronic rhythms and synth wave are recurrent and concordant in rhythm to the drum percussion, the vocal technique is explained. The song “without reason” is especially highlighted, which handles many elements of traditional Power Metal with psychophonic electronic elements. The author expresses that it is inevitable to sound dark but this is not the ultimate intention, beyond this he seeks the reinvindication of life over death. The last three tracks "sinful substance", "by the times" and "thermogenesis" are shown with a more modern hardcore electronic sound.

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