miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

Asymmetric - Insanity

Asymmetric - Insanity
Progressive Metal From Spain

Among what is considered virtuous, this is one of those examples that cannot be immersed in the superficiality of the technique because the connotation is expressed from fantasy with progressive Metal, with very sudden and rapid changes in time and rhythm. , that is to say unpredictable, and they are also accompanied by a powerful and melodic voice comparable to those used in bands such as Rhapsody of Fire and Rainbow, it has an atmosphere with influences of classical orchestral music with some choirs and excellent nuances that at any time cut with an aggressive riff or with a perennial softness, the use of synthesizers is also undeniable, despite all the sounds generated from there they fit very well with the sound and rhythm of the other instruments and definitely does not stay in the monotony , there is a great variety of rhythms that for some reason have coherence in their succession in spite of how sudden and dissociative they may be.

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