Actualización Agosto 28 del 2024:
Actualización Agosto 28 del 2024:
Este Blog reanuda sus publicaciones de reseñas de trabajos discográficos en libre descarga autorizada por sus artistas, a partir de ahora escritas netamente en el idioma español, por lo que los visitantes que hablen otros idiomas podrán activar el traductor desde su navegador o con el 'gadget' habilitado en la barra lateral de este 'blog'. Las reseñas volverán a estar enfocadas exclusivamente en el género musical Heavy Metal y sus derivados, bien sea de subgéneros del Metal o de mezcla de géneros musicales donde predomine el Metal. Adicionalmente este 'blog' se une a la iniciativa del sitio 'web' Metal Archives donde solo admitimos bandas y trabajos discográficos realizados o programados por humanos, dejando de lado las producciones realizadas por las inteligencias artificiales que ahora están en auge. En las reseñas se tendrán en cuenta (en la medida de lo posible) todos los criterios de evaluación para un trabajo discográfico que aborda distintas formas de arte además de la musical, cabe aclarar que no tengo un vasto conocimiento técnico en música y en otros artes, pero se pondrá todo el empeño para dejar las ideas claras en un lenguaje no tan profesional y que sea comprensible para la mayoría de lectores, seguramente habrán referencias a otras bandas, artistas, así como a mis artículos en el blog Mystiscio y también habrán segmentos resaltados en color amarillo para señalar que ciertas evaluaciones pueden tener un lenguaje más técnico que se espera sean aportados respetuosamente desde la caja de comentarios. No siendo más, deseo que disfruten del contenido que iré publicando aquí así como de las noticias sobre material y producciones relacionadas con este blog que lanzaré al mercado desde Kinzoku Producciones, productora que consolidé y a la que adscribo el blog Metal Sin Traba
- atentamente
- Victoria Mejia Chantre @v1ct0r14rt
contacto: kinzokuhellrider@gmail.com
Metal Sin Traba Radio (Iradeo)
Metal sin traba radio
El blog Metal sin Traba cumplió 11 años desde que se lanzó en enero del 2013 y el antiguo programa Mysticus Radio (cuyas grabaciones podrán buscar en un vinculo de la barra lateral de este blog), podcast con transmisión en directo, cumplió 10 años desde Julio del 2014. Por este motivo se relanza este último bajo el nombre Metal Sin Traba Radio conservando su mascota (la silueta del Nosferatu verde usada desde Mysticus Radio 2017) y su modalidad de transmisión en directo
Queridos y malditos lectores
This blog, created in 2013, was created with the noble intention of spreading all those rock and metal bands around the world that authorize the public download of their musical works. Until mid-2020 this blog made reviews, now it gives the freedom for each listener to rate what they like in the comments
however, musical references will come from here for later musical reviews on the blog mystiscio.blogspot.com
jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015
jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015
jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015
jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015
martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015
miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015
jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015
jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015
jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015
miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015
lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015
jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015
jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015
jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015
jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015
jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015
jueves, 30 de julio de 2015
jueves, 23 de julio de 2015
jueves, 16 de julio de 2015
jueves, 9 de julio de 2015
martes, 7 de julio de 2015
Logical End - Crann
Logical End - Crann
BAND FROM Burgos, Castile and León.
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BAND FROM Burgos, Castile and León.
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Alex: Bass / Vocals
Fuj: Guitar
Max: Drums
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Fuj: Guitar
Max: Drums
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South - EP 2015
South - EP 2015
Band from Copenhagen founded in 2013
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Band from Copenhagen founded in 2013
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domingo, 5 de julio de 2015
HOLYCIDE - No Escape [Demo 2013]
HOLYCIDE - No Escape [Demo 2013]
The origins of HOLYCIDE can be found back in 2004 before the new wave of Thrash Metal exploded massively when Dave Rotten (AVULSED) wanted to start up a Thrash Metal project for what he joined Vicente from GOLGOTHA on guitars. The intention, from the very beginning, was to create a very aggressive kind of Thrash, exempt of commercial touches and focusing on the intense side of this kind of music.
INFLUENCED BY Dark Angel, Slayer, Recipients of Death, Infernal Majesty, Sacrifice, Viking, Testament, Sepultura, The Horde of Torment.
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The origins of HOLYCIDE can be found back in 2004 before the new wave of Thrash Metal exploded massively when Dave Rotten (AVULSED) wanted to start up a Thrash Metal project for what he joined Vicente from GOLGOTHA on guitars. The intention, from the very beginning, was to create a very aggressive kind of Thrash, exempt of commercial touches and focusing on the intense side of this kind of music.
INFLUENCED BY Dark Angel, Slayer, Recipients of Death, Infernal Majesty, Sacrifice, Viking, Testament, Sepultura, The Horde of Torment.
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Nyctophilia - Mythology of Optimism
Nyctophilia - Mythology of Optimism
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Mortificator - The 14:59 Sessions [Demo]
Mortificator - The 14:59 Sessions [Demo]
MORTIFICATOR: Members of the band Six60Six Marty and Mike join up with Gene from Monogon, A Call to Arms, Minnesota Metal Factory and Red Gem of Hades and the Mighty Zeus (Red Gem of Hades, Minnesota Metal Factory, and most notably EXPYRE) to bring you the Thrash Metal stylings of MORTIFICATOR!!
"4 of the sexiest guys you've ever seen playing THRASH METAL! (Well, we're primarily a Thrash band, but we'll throw you a few curveballs here and there.)"
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MORTIFICATOR: Members of the band Six60Six Marty and Mike join up with Gene from Monogon, A Call to Arms, Minnesota Metal Factory and Red Gem of Hades and the Mighty Zeus (Red Gem of Hades, Minnesota Metal Factory, and most notably EXPYRE) to bring you the Thrash Metal stylings of MORTIFICATOR!!
"4 of the sexiest guys you've ever seen playing THRASH METAL! (Well, we're primarily a Thrash band, but we'll throw you a few curveballs here and there.)"
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Elegiac - Discography
Elegiac - Discography
One man band from San Diego, California. created in 2014. All music and lyrics written by Zane Young. Click on the images for Download (Name your price for support or type zero)
Karmageddon - Preborn
Karmageddon - Preborn
The band was originally founded in 2007 under the name Above the Under and split up in 2009. In 2013, two of the original members reunited to record the old tracks under the name Karmageddon. Band influenced by Pentagram, Black Sabbath, Down, Pantera, Kyuss, Corrosion Of Conformity, Seventh Void, Alice In Chains, Crowbar, Type O Negative, Mad Season, Karma To Burn and Shapat Terror.
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The band was originally founded in 2007 under the name Above the Under and split up in 2009. In 2013, two of the original members reunited to record the old tracks under the name Karmageddon. Band influenced by Pentagram, Black Sabbath, Down, Pantera, Kyuss, Corrosion Of Conformity, Seventh Void, Alice In Chains, Crowbar, Type O Negative, Mad Season, Karma To Burn and Shapat Terror.
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jueves, 2 de julio de 2015
jueves, 25 de junio de 2015
jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015
Encrypted - Drifting to the Impaled
Encrypted - Drifting to the Impaled
Slammin brutal death Metal band from San Juan (Puerto Rico) , their musical influences are bands like Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Skinless and Abysmal torment. ENCRYPTED was formed in 1998 under the moniker of Grieved, Vocalist Jay Collazo who got together with Drummer Robert Santos (Sacrificio/Dismal Divinity) with the idea to create music that would make any handy-cap jump out of the wheelhair into the pit action. Robert Webster was recluted for the Bass duties and Manuel Flecha for Guitarist this line-up went together through several live shows in the Puerto Rico area, gaining soon the recognition for P.R.’s Sickest Death Metal act.
The EP "Drifting to the Impaled" manages some good changes and dark atmospheres in most of the intros of the songs, "Anguish of the Crucified" after the intro continues with a typical rate of brutal death, gradually the pace is slower up to an intermediate state of speed. "Drifting to the Impaled" begins with a timing of drum beats and guitar, there are many changes in the percussion that is always accompanied by some good riffs, "Dawn of Grief" starts with an intro that refers to the voice of a child talking about death, here feels a denser riff that later followed derailleurs together with the growling sound they make a shocking, "Lair of Damnation" begins with a simple guitar riffs, which then leads into some heavier riffs and enter different percussion times consecutively, guttural screams are deeper than usual, "Slowly They Gather" begins with a riff dense and slow guitar percussion is also very basic and simple, then the speed increases for all instruments in sync to finish again in a slow time, finally the song "Without My Soul" runs a strong pace as in some occasions is interrupted by a short silence to enter with greater speed.
At present time, 2015 ENCRYPTED is working with new material for the release of their debut full length CD “Relapsed to Barbarism” on Down to the Abyss Productions, also have been booked for many gigs and international festivals.
Slammin brutal death Metal band from San Juan (Puerto Rico) , their musical influences are bands like Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Skinless and Abysmal torment. ENCRYPTED was formed in 1998 under the moniker of Grieved, Vocalist Jay Collazo who got together with Drummer Robert Santos (Sacrificio/Dismal Divinity) with the idea to create music that would make any handy-cap jump out of the wheelhair into the pit action. Robert Webster was recluted for the Bass duties and Manuel Flecha for Guitarist this line-up went together through several live shows in the Puerto Rico area, gaining soon the recognition for P.R.’s Sickest Death Metal act.
The EP "Drifting to the Impaled" manages some good changes and dark atmospheres in most of the intros of the songs, "Anguish of the Crucified" after the intro continues with a typical rate of brutal death, gradually the pace is slower up to an intermediate state of speed. "Drifting to the Impaled" begins with a timing of drum beats and guitar, there are many changes in the percussion that is always accompanied by some good riffs, "Dawn of Grief" starts with an intro that refers to the voice of a child talking about death, here feels a denser riff that later followed derailleurs together with the growling sound they make a shocking, "Lair of Damnation" begins with a simple guitar riffs, which then leads into some heavier riffs and enter different percussion times consecutively, guttural screams are deeper than usual, "Slowly They Gather" begins with a riff dense and slow guitar percussion is also very basic and simple, then the speed increases for all instruments in sync to finish again in a slow time, finally the song "Without My Soul" runs a strong pace as in some occasions is interrupted by a short silence to enter with greater speed.
At present time, 2015 ENCRYPTED is working with new material for the release of their debut full length CD “Relapsed to Barbarism” on Down to the Abyss Productions, also have been booked for many gigs and international festivals.
Sacred Goat - Sacred Goat (demo)
Sacred Goat - Sacred Goat (demo)
Metal band from Bogota, Colombia, influences by sub genres of Metal such as Death, Brutal, Thrash, hardcore, metalcore, Grindcore, among others, as a concept the band has a deformed day-by-day life taken to the edge, in which the human being and the society he dwells is immersed. That way has printed fears, aberrations, wishes, frustrations, violence and some other states of mind that may produce irrationality and compulsion< all this has been stated from the duality of a paradigmatic icon imposed to the goat as an evil object and waywardness, and along with the sacred as a path of admiration of the human way of thinking.
Sacred Goat begins as a project back in 2010 as an open proposal to new sounds that intend to enrich, shade and generate a well-consolidated own style.
Currently, Sacred Goat is: Karina Ortega (vocals), Cristian Martínez (drums), Roger Flórez (guitar and chorus), Sergio Ávila (leader guitar)
track 1 called "sacred goat" introduced with the sound of a goat followed by a download in the style of brutal death metal, in the middle of the song some elements of grindcore differ, the song has good changes, with slow and fast parts, the track 2 "diseased mind" begins with a powerful drum solo that soon gives way to aggressive guitars and ending with the song "mr bastard" can be seen an aggressive and fast input, the riffs and blast beat handled well death metal style, you can also see a significant influence of the rate used for the grindcore.
Link In The Video Description from the official channel
Metal band from Bogota, Colombia, influences by sub genres of Metal such as Death, Brutal, Thrash, hardcore, metalcore, Grindcore, among others, as a concept the band has a deformed day-by-day life taken to the edge, in which the human being and the society he dwells is immersed. That way has printed fears, aberrations, wishes, frustrations, violence and some other states of mind that may produce irrationality and compulsion< all this has been stated from the duality of a paradigmatic icon imposed to the goat as an evil object and waywardness, and along with the sacred as a path of admiration of the human way of thinking.
Sacred Goat begins as a project back in 2010 as an open proposal to new sounds that intend to enrich, shade and generate a well-consolidated own style.
Currently, Sacred Goat is: Karina Ortega (vocals), Cristian Martínez (drums), Roger Flórez (guitar and chorus), Sergio Ávila (leader guitar)
track 1 called "sacred goat" introduced with the sound of a goat followed by a download in the style of brutal death metal, in the middle of the song some elements of grindcore differ, the song has good changes, with slow and fast parts, the track 2 "diseased mind" begins with a powerful drum solo that soon gives way to aggressive guitars and ending with the song "mr bastard" can be seen an aggressive and fast input, the riffs and blast beat handled well death metal style, you can also see a significant influence of the rate used for the grindcore.
Link In The Video Description from the official channel
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

THERRORDER - tiempos de Guerra
THERRORDER - tiempos de Guerra
Band from Bogotá city , Colombia
Hasson Abril (bass) and Yeison Gonzales (drums) started Therrorder as a direct criticism towards chaos, war and society in general. in January of 2011 Cristian Espinel (guitars) joined to complete the training. His style tends rather to Death / Thrash Metal but with modern influences tending to be groove metal sometimes. This demo contains "wartime" which describes the struggles are given for power and toward a critique of human ambition, the track stands out for its thrash metal sound. "Abyss" has a strong start and good changes of pace, has an interesting guitar solo in the middle of the song, this track makes the analogy of ignorance with a chasm, "revolution" begins with a bass solo and a powerful slide guitar that give entrance to the opening riff, in the middle of the song sounds like an elaborate guitar solo, talking about the revelation that should do the Latin people to out of ignorance and not be swayed by a supposed "service fatherland"

Hasson Abril (bass) and Yeison Gonzales (drums) started Therrorder as a direct criticism towards chaos, war and society in general. in January of 2011 Cristian Espinel (guitars) joined to complete the training. His style tends rather to Death / Thrash Metal but with modern influences tending to be groove metal sometimes. This demo contains "wartime" which describes the struggles are given for power and toward a critique of human ambition, the track stands out for its thrash metal sound. "Abyss" has a strong start and good changes of pace, has an interesting guitar solo in the middle of the song, this track makes the analogy of ignorance with a chasm, "revolution" begins with a bass solo and a powerful slide guitar that give entrance to the opening riff, in the middle of the song sounds like an elaborate guitar solo, talking about the revelation that should do the Latin people to out of ignorance and not be swayed by a supposed "service fatherland"
martes, 12 de mayo de 2015
XANGRAX - Desplazado 2014
XANGRAX - Desplazado 2014
"... To live is to die, to be born dies, xangrax not die with you, in xangrax live forever ..." (XANGRAX)
Xangrax is a thrash metal band formed in the town of Entrerrios, Antioquia. Its lyrical theme is aimed at social criticism of the problems in Goverment and mankind. The recording of demo "desplazado" was finished in tribute to the drummer Jorge Zapata who died in 2014 hit by a drunken man, Xangrax collected on this demo the percussion recorded by Jorge and very nobly recall the work of their eternal friend and drummer Jorge Zapata (RIP).
the track "asesinos" (murderers) begins with the typical aggressiveness of thrash metal, and a raw and raspy voice, this issue has included aspects of death metal, here speak of the destructive power of man correlating with impunity, the track "desplazado"(displaced) starts slow and later moved accelerates the pace, has great compasses changes, this item talks about the current problem of farmers when they are forced to abandon their lands, the track "llamas" (fire) has an interesting introduction with guitars that later become heavier, it contains good cuts and ends with an interesting guitar solo, the track "otra vez" (again) has a dark and accelerate apace, there is talk of slavery into the inner feelings and the last song "sangre en mis manos" (blood on my hands) has a remarkable connection with the speed metal, shows the cruel behavior as natural to mankind and symbol of supremacy. In itself this work rescues much of the South American underground Metal style given his character and his lyrical content.
"... To live is to die, to be born dies, xangrax not die with you, in xangrax live forever ..." (XANGRAX)
Xangrax is a thrash metal band formed in the town of Entrerrios, Antioquia. Its lyrical theme is aimed at social criticism of the problems in Goverment and mankind. The recording of demo "desplazado" was finished in tribute to the drummer Jorge Zapata who died in 2014 hit by a drunken man, Xangrax collected on this demo the percussion recorded by Jorge and very nobly recall the work of their eternal friend and drummer Jorge Zapata (RIP).
the track "asesinos" (murderers) begins with the typical aggressiveness of thrash metal, and a raw and raspy voice, this issue has included aspects of death metal, here speak of the destructive power of man correlating with impunity, the track "desplazado"(displaced) starts slow and later moved accelerates the pace, has great compasses changes, this item talks about the current problem of farmers when they are forced to abandon their lands, the track "llamas" (fire) has an interesting introduction with guitars that later become heavier, it contains good cuts and ends with an interesting guitar solo, the track "otra vez" (again) has a dark and accelerate apace, there is talk of slavery into the inner feelings and the last song "sangre en mis manos" (blood on my hands) has a remarkable connection with the speed metal, shows the cruel behavior as natural to mankind and symbol of supremacy. In itself this work rescues much of the South American underground Metal style given his character and his lyrical content.
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