Noma - Noma 2016
Grindcore from greece
putrid and strong Grindcore from Thessaloniki, greece
Actualización Agosto 28 del 2024:
Actualización Agosto 28 del 2024:
Este Blog reanuda sus publicaciones de reseñas de trabajos discográficos en libre descarga autorizada por sus artistas, a partir de ahora escritas netamente en el idioma español, por lo que los visitantes que hablen otros idiomas podrán activar el traductor desde su navegador o con el 'gadget' habilitado en la barra lateral de este 'blog'. Las reseñas volverán a estar enfocadas exclusivamente en el género musical Heavy Metal y sus derivados, bien sea de subgéneros del Metal o de mezcla de géneros musicales donde predomine el Metal. Adicionalmente este 'blog' se une a la iniciativa del sitio 'web' Metal Archives donde solo admitimos bandas y trabajos discográficos realizados o programados por humanos, dejando de lado las producciones realizadas por las inteligencias artificiales que ahora están en auge. En las reseñas se tendrán en cuenta (en la medida de lo posible) todos los criterios de evaluación para un trabajo discográfico que aborda distintas formas de arte además de la musical, cabe aclarar que no tengo un vasto conocimiento técnico en música y en otros artes, pero se pondrá todo el empeño para dejar las ideas claras en un lenguaje no tan profesional y que sea comprensible para la mayoría de lectores, seguramente habrán referencias a otras bandas, artistas, así como a mis artículos en el blog Mystiscio y también habrán segmentos resaltados en color amarillo para señalar que ciertas evaluaciones pueden tener un lenguaje más técnico que se espera sean aportados respetuosamente desde la caja de comentarios. No siendo más, deseo que disfruten del contenido que iré publicando aquí así como de las noticias sobre material y producciones relacionadas con este blog que lanzaré al mercado desde Kinzoku Producciones, productora que consolidé y a la que adscribo el blog Metal Sin Traba
- atentamente
- Victoria Mejia Chantre @v1ct0r14rt
Metal Sin Traba Radio (Iradeo)
Metal sin traba radio
El blog Metal sin Traba cumplió 11 años desde que se lanzó en enero del 2013 y el antiguo programa Mysticus Radio (cuyas grabaciones podrán buscar en un vinculo de la barra lateral de este blog), podcast con transmisión en directo, cumplió 10 años desde Julio del 2014. Por este motivo se relanza este último bajo el nombre Metal Sin Traba Radio conservando su mascota (la silueta del Nosferatu verde usada desde Mysticus Radio 2017) y su modalidad de transmisión en directo
Queridos y malditos lectores
This blog, created in 2013, was created with the noble intention of spreading all those rock and metal bands around the world that authorize the public download of their musical works. Until mid-2020 this blog made reviews, now it gives the freedom for each listener to rate what they like in the comments
however, musical references will come from here for later musical reviews on the blog
martes, 28 de febrero de 2017
XeroPulse - Beast of the Moor
XeroPulse - Beast of the Moor
Atmospheric Black Metal/Dungeon Synth from Ireland
Atmospheric Black Metal and Dungeon Synth from Cork, Ireland. This is currently a one man band.
Atmospheric Black Metal/Dungeon Synth from Ireland

Atmospheric Black Metal and Dungeon Synth from Cork, Ireland. This is currently a one man band.
HIDEOUS CREEP - demo 2016
HIDEOUS CREEP - demo 2016
Death Metal/Crust Punk/Grindcore From U.S.
An compilation of songs focused on the extreme noise of death metal grindcore and crust punk
Death Metal/Crust Punk/Grindcore From U.S.
An compilation of songs focused on the extreme noise of death metal grindcore and crust punk
Todeszone - Demo 2016
Todeszone - Demo 2016
Black Metal from Switzerland
one man´s Black Metal band from Solothurn, Switzerland since 2016, in november 2016 Released this Demo chargued of great darkness and Some atmospheres.
Black Metal from Switzerland
one man´s Black Metal band from Solothurn, Switzerland since 2016, in november 2016 Released this Demo chargued of great darkness and Some atmospheres.
domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017
Process A.D. - Time's Your Judge
Process A.D. - Time's Your Judge
Groove Metal From Russia
Recorded at J+V Studios, 2015 - 2016. Mixed and mastered at Anvil Records, 2016-2017.credits released February 17, 2017 Mixed and mastered by Konstantin Ratnikov (Anvil Records) Cover art by Ekaterina Krylova Layout by Ragnaar , The Band are Michael Frolov - bass/vocals ,Vasily Kalinin - guitar , Dmitry Zuzlev - guitar, keyboards, samples & Sergey Goncharenko - drums.
Groove Metal From Russia
Recorded at J+V Studios, 2015 - 2016. Mixed and mastered at Anvil Records, 2016-2017.credits released February 17, 2017 Mixed and mastered by Konstantin Ratnikov (Anvil Records) Cover art by Ekaterina Krylova Layout by Ragnaar , The Band are Michael Frolov - bass/vocals ,Vasily Kalinin - guitar , Dmitry Zuzlev - guitar, keyboards, samples & Sergey Goncharenko - drums.
Toroide - Toroide 20
Toroide - Toroide 2017
Stoner Doom Metal From Mexico
A good album that combines psychedelic elements of rock music with Heavy and Doom Metal, the band is formed in 2016 in the city of Dzitbalché, Mexico. It's a good piece for those who like Stoner's Denso sound.
Stoner Doom Metal From Mexico
A good album that combines psychedelic elements of rock music with Heavy and Doom Metal, the band is formed in 2016 in the city of Dzitbalché, Mexico. It's a good piece for those who like Stoner's Denso sound.
viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017
Eisklingengewitter - Erwachen
Eisklingengewitter - Erwachen
Black/Thrash Metal From Germany
The band was founded in 2015 under the name "Noctura Northblade", before it became a solo project and the formation with Stevie Riffmaster became an ice blast storm in 2016. In the middle of 2015, Noctura Northblade began writing texts to handle his wishes and his suffering.
Black/Thrash Metal From Germany
The band was founded in 2015 under the name "Noctura Northblade", before it became a solo project and the formation with Stevie Riffmaster became an ice blast storm in 2016. In the middle of 2015, Noctura Northblade began writing texts to handle his wishes and his suffering.
miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017
Humanity's Disgrace - Humanity's Disgrace EP 2017
Humanity's Disgrace - Humanity's Disgrace EP 2017
Technical Death Metal From Canada
Humanity's Disgrace is an extreme metal band from montreal that is active since february 2015.
Technical Death Metal From Canada
Humanity's Disgrace is an extreme metal band from montreal that is active since february 2015.
Breaper - The Goretastic Bree
Breaper - The Goretastic Bree
Groove/Death Metal From Germany
Death Metal with elements of Groove Metal and grindcore, have a very interesting and violent sound, band recommended for those who like napalm death and carcass
Groove/Death Metal From Germany
Death Metal with elements of Groove Metal and grindcore, have a very interesting and violent sound, band recommended for those who like napalm death and carcass
Hexhammer - HXH
Hexhammer - HXH
Black/Speed Metal/Punk From Finland
Aggression in all its expression, from the most recondite lugres of Helsinki in Finland, born this band of Black Speed Metal with influences of the punk rock, touching subjects like Metal, Mysticism and Mayhem.
Black/Speed Metal/Punk From Finland
Aggression in all its expression, from the most recondite lugres of Helsinki in Finland, born this band of Black Speed Metal with influences of the punk rock, touching subjects like Metal, Mysticism and Mayhem.
Inbreed Aborted Divinity - Inbreed Aborted Divinity 2013
Inbreed Aborted Divinity - Inbreed Aborted Divinity 2013
Black Death Metal From Romania
"We are the destroyers of false hope, the Death Ritual, and by our hands shall the false God fall! Inbreed we were, but we succeed to Abort the Divinity ..." Black Death Metal Band formed in Timisoara, romania around year 2010,
Black Death Metal From Romania
"We are the destroyers of false hope, the Death Ritual, and by our hands shall the false God fall! Inbreed we were, but we succeed to Abort the Divinity ..." Black Death Metal Band formed in Timisoara, romania around year 2010,
martes, 14 de febrero de 2017
Cioran - Cioran (EP 2014)
Cioran - Cioran (EP 2014)
Black Metal/Hardcore Punk From Italy
Band From Padova, Italy, It´s an project that combines the fury of hardcore punk with the Sinister sound of Black Metal.
Black Metal/Hardcore Punk From Italy
Band From Padova, Italy, It´s an project that combines the fury of hardcore punk with the Sinister sound of Black Metal.
lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017
Sculptures - IIII
Sculptures - IIII
Black / Death Metal From Hungary
Band from Budapest, Hungary. Formed in 2016, this is an interesting sound that includes the velocity and aggressivity of Traditional Death and black Metal with some Thrash Metal, Hardcore and Post Metal touch.
Black / Death Metal From Hungary
Band from Budapest, Hungary. Formed in 2016, this is an interesting sound that includes the velocity and aggressivity of Traditional Death and black Metal with some Thrash Metal, Hardcore and Post Metal touch.
domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017
Groove/Thrash Metal From Spain
Band from Seville, Andalucia formed in 2008, released their last album FALSO PROFETA in 2015, great work chargued of all violence talking about Society, Politics and Religion
Groove/Thrash Metal From Spain
Band from Seville, Andalucia formed in 2008, released their last album FALSO PROFETA in 2015, great work chargued of all violence talking about Society, Politics and Religion
Erroma - Erroma (2014)
Erroma - Erroma (2014)
Sludge/Post Metal From Spain
Dark and dense sounds is heard in this full-length, desperate and insane screams all around this band from Astigarraga, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country formed in 2009.
Sludge/Post Metal From Spain
Dark and dense sounds is heard in this full-length, desperate and insane screams all around this band from Astigarraga, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country formed in 2009.
Coprófago - Flesh (EP)
Coprófago - Flesh (EP)
Death Metal From Chile
Not to be confused with the Technical Death/Thrash metal band Coprofago from Santiago. While the project itself was created by the end of 2011 and dismissed in 2012 (time in which it was conceived as a Goregrind band and a song was created), it didn't turn into a serious project until June of 2014. The first intended demo was to be named Coulrophobia: A Dedication to John Wayne Gacy. This demo idea was scrapped after the song Flesh was completed.
Death Metal From Chile
Not to be confused with the Technical Death/Thrash metal band Coprofago from Santiago. While the project itself was created by the end of 2011 and dismissed in 2012 (time in which it was conceived as a Goregrind band and a song was created), it didn't turn into a serious project until June of 2014. The first intended demo was to be named Coulrophobia: A Dedication to John Wayne Gacy. This demo idea was scrapped after the song Flesh was completed.
viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017
Fourhorns - Mountain Metal
Fourhorns - Mountain Metal
Groove Metal from Canada
Formed in the Summer of 2001 and disbanded in Spring 2004. This is music to double fist beers to! Recorded during the winter of 2003 @ Cheslata Records, Prince George, British Columbia released April 1, 2004
Groove Metal from Canada
Formed in the Summer of 2001 and disbanded in Spring 2004. This is music to double fist beers to! Recorded during the winter of 2003 @ Cheslata Records, Prince George, British Columbia released April 1, 2004
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