Stygian Vacuity – Oblivescence
Black/Death Metal From U.S.

influenced by bands like Death, Dissection, Possessed, Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Testament, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Gorguts, Nile, Impiety, 1349, Deeds of Flesh, Spawn of Possession, Immortal, Marduk, Yith, Archgoat, Immolation, Hate Eternal, Gorgasm, Defeated Sanity and Angelcorpse achieve a wild and devastating sound amid the highlights of Blackened Deah Metal. The change of tones in guitar and medium of a constant velocity in percussion remind us of the iconic album “the art of destruction” by Dissection, especially in the song “The Scripture and the Cloth”. The song "The corridor" and "Oblivescence" handles some excellent guitar picking tremolo and its shape closely resembles black Metal incorporating some atmospheric sounds recalling Darkthrone influences. "Qquantum memories" has a very heavy riff that accompanies very well the crude and aggressive guttural, by the way the change of rhythm appreciated at the beginning is very suggestive and inspires to continue listening to this song several times. an excellent tremolo and a very technical guitar solo stand out. "Odyssey into Vortices of Stygious" has a more remarkable melodic appearance at the beginning but gradually takes a more aggressive and constipated form with good riffs and then repeatedly returns to a melodic form. It is interesting to see how “Anthropological Enmity” perceives a constant anger that is not lost sight of despite the slightly more subtle and melodic changes. "Nature of the cage" sums up almost the entire album in terms of its content with violent riffs, aggressive gutturals, good guitar solos and tremolos, as well as accelerated percussions and the occasional melodic component. Finally, the instrumental “INTERRED” remembers a lot the influences of the iconic band Testament regarding guitar arrangements and dark arpeggios.