Actualización Agosto 28 del 2024:

Actualización Agosto 28 del 2024: Este Blog reanuda sus publicaciones de reseñas de trabajos discográficos en libre descarga autorizada por sus artistas, a partir de ahora escritas netamente en el idioma español, por lo que los visitantes que hablen otros idiomas podrán activar el traductor desde su navegador o con el 'gadget' habilitado en la barra lateral de este 'blog'. Las reseñas volverán a estar enfocadas exclusivamente en el género musical Heavy Metal y sus derivados, bien sea de subgéneros del Metal o de mezcla de géneros musicales donde predomine el Metal. Adicionalmente este 'blog' se une a la iniciativa del sitio 'web' Metal Archives donde solo admitimos bandas y trabajos discográficos realizados o programados por humanos, dejando de lado las producciones realizadas por las inteligencias artificiales que ahora están en auge. En las reseñas se tendrán en cuenta (en la medida de lo posible) todos los criterios de evaluación para un trabajo discográfico que aborda distintas formas de arte además de la musical, cabe aclarar que no tengo un vasto conocimiento técnico en música y en otros artes, pero se pondrá todo el empeño para dejar las ideas claras en un lenguaje no tan profesional y que sea comprensible para la mayoría de lectores, seguramente habrán referencias a otras bandas, artistas, así como a mis artículos en el blog Mystiscio y también habrán segmentos resaltados en color amarillo para señalar que ciertas evaluaciones pueden tener un lenguaje más técnico que se espera sean aportados respetuosamente desde la caja de comentarios. No siendo más, deseo que disfruten del contenido que iré publicando aquí así como de las noticias sobre material y producciones relacionadas con este blog que lanzaré al mercado desde Kinzoku Producciones, productora que consolidé y a la que adscribo el blog Metal Sin Traba - atentamente - Victoria Mejia Chantre @v1ct0r14rt contacto:

Metal Sin Traba Radio (Iradeo)

Metal Sin Traba Radio (Iradeo)

Metal sin traba radio

El blog Metal sin Traba cumplió 11 años desde que se lanzó en enero del 2013 y el antiguo programa Mysticus Radio (cuyas grabaciones podrán buscar en un vinculo de la barra lateral de este blog), podcast con transmisión en directo, cumplió 10 años desde Julio del 2014. Por este motivo se relanza este último bajo el nombre Metal Sin Traba Radio conservando su mascota (la silueta del Nosferatu verde usada desde Mysticus Radio 2017) y su modalidad de transmisión en directo


Queridos y malditos lectores

This blog, created in 2013, was created with the noble intention of spreading all those rock and metal bands around the world that authorize the public download of their musical works. Until mid-2020 this blog made reviews, now it gives the freedom for each listener to rate what they like in the comments
however, musical references will come from here for later musical reviews on the blog

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2019

Legacy - Discography

Legacy - Discography

Band founded in July 2012, they are very conservative style Power Metal in its beginnings in the early 80s definitely see influences from bands like attacker, helloween, Iced Earth, Metallica, Megadeth, Lamb of God, Devildriver, Stratovarius and Kamelot. the lyrics are aimed to absolutism of any establishment on humans destroying him ending dreams.
intro is very calm, has arpeggio and a guitar solo giving entrance to a stronger and vibrant sound, here described the great dragon under which prevail natural laws of man.
"Embers Fall" has a rather extreme entry, similar to styles like black speed and then becomes a basic thrash metal. They speak of a system or oppressive magic that enslaves men and kill dreams.
the song "beyond the gates" has many fast parts that makes the transition between speed and thrash metal, here you can see some good effects of lead guitars and on some occasions an accompaniment to the main voice with a throaty voice.
"Dragon Den" has a strong start and a good harmony of instruments in its development.
"frozen chaos" has a totally thrash metal component, characterizes the aggressiveness and speed handling even guitar solos remember the American thrash metal and death metal of the 80s this song talks about how to escape the distorted reality through the inner eye and resaltad phrase "I'm not a pawn I'm the king".
"Empty tears" is a melancholy theme with parts that resemble medieval music and use of arpeggios characterize this song speaks of the frustration to know that the sacrifices are in vain and ideals are lost in death.
"Chosen one" certainly the phrase that characterizes this song is "I will not surrender" is an aggressive and upbeat song that talks about following your own way, independent and the way to be king, the constant use of gallops and solos gives you a pretty good impression to this song.
"The Howling" This song begins with a very calm and arpeggios verses, then enter the drums and distorted guitars in this song is given priority to the benefits of the moon, like a deity that calms the soul wrapped in the chaos of the world.

Listen Full Album "LEGACY"  Here:

The album Oblivon released in May 2018, presents a good performance of Thrash Metal, this time away from the sound of Power Metal, however you can hear very technical details in the guitars and drums that transport the listener to different vibration states , undoubtedly the technical Thrash Metal is reflected in songs like "Rivers of Blood", the 'power of the guitar riff is felt in songs like "Into The Gates of oblivion" and "Metal Hymn", within the structure of The songs have a preponderance in the guitar solos and in the compass changes that make the songs entertaining and dynamic, some songs like "Sometimes Forever is not Enough" have a very interesting contrast since the softness is coupled with the aggressiveness of Thrash Metal, this without actually being power but a few segments of soft rock, it should be noted that the vocalization is similar to that used in styles such as Arcore and the Groove Metal.

Download: (You can support the band Buying the songs or Only Download if you can´t buy)
Soundcloud (demo)
Facebook App

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