NOOSFERA – Mención
Avant Garde Metal From Mexico

This musical project is created by Gildardo Rábago Cacho and in his vast musical influence ranging from Rock, Metal to Folklore and traditional music is based on experimentation to achieve atmospheres and ambient sounds that reflect madness, just as it happens with Modern society, that is, this musical work is a true reflection of modern life. Something notorious in this album, and it is clear that this was done on purpose, is the lack of harmony and tone of the instruments, especially when it comes to guitar riffs and percussions, although if the instruments are separated and heard separately, It could be said that they have good execution. The song is dreary and similar to the song of "big Boss" in the iconic album "Zjeveni" by the black band Metal Root (although not at that level obviously), the lyrics play themes ranging from existentialism, introspection and Successful criticism of the supposed social values. From the musical perspective, this work is an ephemeral since the use of diverse sounds without meaning is hopeless (except for instrumental songs where only acoustic guitar is Heard) , but if you look beyond this, a comparison could be made with the avant-garde musical movements with a feeling of protest, whose objective is not limited only to compose disgust but to reflect an internal conflict or express indirect criticism.
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