Actualización Agosto 28 del 2024:

Actualización Agosto 28 del 2024: Este Blog reanuda sus publicaciones de reseñas de trabajos discográficos en libre descarga autorizada por sus artistas, a partir de ahora escritas netamente en el idioma español, por lo que los visitantes que hablen otros idiomas podrán activar el traductor desde su navegador o con el 'gadget' habilitado en la barra lateral de este 'blog'. Las reseñas volverán a estar enfocadas exclusivamente en el género musical Heavy Metal y sus derivados, bien sea de subgéneros del Metal o de mezcla de géneros musicales donde predomine el Metal. Adicionalmente este 'blog' se une a la iniciativa del sitio 'web' Metal Archives donde solo admitimos bandas y trabajos discográficos realizados o programados por humanos, dejando de lado las producciones realizadas por las inteligencias artificiales que ahora están en auge. En las reseñas se tendrán en cuenta (en la medida de lo posible) todos los criterios de evaluación para un trabajo discográfico que aborda distintas formas de arte además de la musical, cabe aclarar que no tengo un vasto conocimiento técnico en música y en otros artes, pero se pondrá todo el empeño para dejar las ideas claras en un lenguaje no tan profesional y que sea comprensible para la mayoría de lectores, seguramente habrán referencias a otras bandas, artistas, así como a mis artículos en el blog Mystiscio y también habrán segmentos resaltados en color amarillo para señalar que ciertas evaluaciones pueden tener un lenguaje más técnico que se espera sean aportados respetuosamente desde la caja de comentarios. No siendo más, deseo que disfruten del contenido que iré publicando aquí así como de las noticias sobre material y producciones relacionadas con este blog que lanzaré al mercado desde Kinzoku Producciones, productora que consolidé y a la que adscribo el blog Metal Sin Traba - atentamente - Victoria Mejia Chantre @v1ct0r14rt contacto:

Metal Sin Traba Radio (Iradeo)

Metal Sin Traba Radio (Iradeo)

Metal sin traba radio

El blog Metal sin Traba cumplió 11 años desde que se lanzó en enero del 2013 y el antiguo programa Mysticus Radio (cuyas grabaciones podrán buscar en un vinculo de la barra lateral de este blog), podcast con transmisión en directo, cumplió 10 años desde Julio del 2014. Por este motivo se relanza este último bajo el nombre Metal Sin Traba Radio conservando su mascota (la silueta del Nosferatu verde usada desde Mysticus Radio 2017) y su modalidad de transmisión en directo


Queridos y malditos lectores

This blog, created in 2013, was created with the noble intention of spreading all those rock and metal bands around the world that authorize the public download of their musical works. Until mid-2020 this blog made reviews, now it gives the freedom for each listener to rate what they like in the comments
however, musical references will come from here for later musical reviews on the blog

sábado, 30 de julio de 2016

Bison - Back to the Blizzard

Bison - Back to the Blizzard
Heavy Metal from U.S.

Formed in 1979 in Cleveland, Ohio, although they didn't take the name Bison until after a couple of years. In the mid and late 80s some of local publications (and even a concert flyer for a co-headling show with Battery that included original art by Screamer of Absolute Zero) misspelled the bands name as "Byson". In 1980, before the band had a name, Richard Carr, Mike Moran, and Kevin Buttner went into a studio to record the track "Possession" which would later recieve some plays on Cleveland college radio stations, including Bill Peters's "Metal on Metal" show on WMMS. In 1982, Bison recruited lead singer Buddy McCormack, who had just split from Shok Paris. They also recieved some attention from the local Heavy Metal Zine The Iron Planet, which had previously reported on Buddy's split from Shok Paris, and his recruitment into Bison, and would later heavily feature and follow his future bands Stryker and Sabre. However, after playing some very well-recieved shows and recording a 5 song rehearsal, Buddy split from the band and joined Stryker, and Mike Moran took over on vocal duties. All songs written by Moran, Carr, Warner, 1982, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Bison Music Inc. Tracks 7 through 10 were recorded live at No Excuses, North Olmsted, Ohio, June, 2002 with Pete Herholz on Percussion. All songs copyright protected, 1996 Bison Music Inc.

martes, 26 de julio de 2016

Life in Black - Broken Ego

Life in Black - Broken Ego
Heavy Thrash Groove metal From Brazil

 A new group arises from the union of experienced  musicians from Brazilian metal scene. Named  LIFE IN BLACK, the band practices traditional  Heavy Metal with high doses of heaviness and  generous pinches of Thrash Metal. LIFE IN  BLACK has names already known to the  underground in Brazil: Daniel Monfil (former  Vengeance and Shadows of Dream) on vocals,  Ricardo Oliveira (former Inner Call and Metal  Merchants) and Marco Alexandre (Poseidon) on  guitars, Belmilson Santos (Poseidon and Old  Boy)  on bass and Richard Brandelik (Lost Dogs)  on  drums. LIFE IN BLACK want to show that is  really a band: “We are a real band. We set up fast  and we are working fast. Soon the news will  emerge”, confirms singer Daniel Monfil. Already  preparing the debut, the band will release the  demo ‘Deviations of Human Mind’ counting with  the songs ‘Solitary’ and ‘Useless Gold’ featuring  some of the face and proposal of LIFE IN BLACK


Sludge Metal / grindcore

Compound 2 trials by LUMPEN Recorded in Half Day Seba Death released September 1, 2015 Compound 2 trials by LUMPEN Recorded in Half Day Seba Death Cover art by Adrian Covenant (Coven Illustration)

sábado, 23 de julio de 2016

Culto Negro - Saturno Devorador

Culto Negro - Saturno Devorador
Black Speed Metal From Costa rica

 Download At Bandcamp

viernes, 22 de julio de 2016

Bukon - A Little Taste of the Spear

Bukon - A Little Taste of the Spear
Thrash metal from chile

 Bukon initially began as a temporary project  designed by Bruno and Adriano, which began  in mid- 2015. This project began to take life  and form, because Adriano was working in a  high school, he met to the guitarist (Francisco)  and a drummer (Felipe) and we started to  work on our own compositions based on  various influences and ideas. He later  contacted Giancarlo, to fill the rhythm guitar.

 Name your price or type zero for free  Download

jueves, 21 de julio de 2016

Ad Nebula Nigra - Ad Nebula Nigra (2016)

Ad Nebula Nigra - Ad Nebula Nigra (2016)
Black Metal From Spain

 Burgos, Spain

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2016

Volition - Vengeful Satisfaction

Volition - Vengeful Satisfaction
Thrash Metal From U.S.

It all started some time ago in 2013, a group of musicians got together with a vision that was different than a lot of other metal bands in Tulsa each with their creative ideas and their drive to achieve as musicians they began throwing they settled with a name that stuck out like a sore thumb: VOLITION.

With rapid drums and quick riffs influenced by motorhead, voivod, exodus, death, Sodom, atheist, kreator and many more groups, the band's sound became a mixture of thrash with some death metal in it. 

the band gains a loyal following in Oklahoma, playing shows in the area, soon the band will reach out to other cities and states in the near future, gaining shows and fans in the process, with their abrasive form of extreme metal and intense live shows. an album will also be released soon. Until then, KEEP IT HEAVY!!!!!!

Download at Bandcamp

Hæresis - Demo 2016

Hæresis - Demo 2016
Sludge/Black Metal/Crust From germany

 4-piece from Berlin that digs black metal,  punk und sludge, released March 10, 2016

Genital Disease - demo 2012

Genital Disease - demo 2012
Death Metal from Indonesia

 Genital Disease is an death metal band founded in  the early 2009 in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia. With  YogiBred (vocals), Marmot (guitar), Arise  (guitar), Edwin (Bass), Hari (drums). they have  released their first promo CD ‘Substansi  Kriminologi (Promo 2010)’ in March 2010.

Evil Fate - Black Project

Evil Fate - Black Project
Heavy Metal From Italy

By the inspiration and the deep need of expression of a musical concept more personal and deeply related to the increase of soul, was born from Loris frismon (composer and guitarist) what will take form in a project characterised by controversial and obscure aspects. The darkness, inherent in the soul of the dreamer, inspired the creation. The same darkness that is cause of the inevitable human detachment, which is full of suffering and meditation, but nevertheless impetuous and powerful in its explosion. So was born the Black project.

 The origins of the inspiration to the sound and the deep attachment to that which over time will become an inseparable core of friends and musicians, are Hard Rock and heavy Metal of the origins, also practiced in the first breaths of the cover band Evil Fate that will take its own path at a later date. Here we meet the nucleus around which the spirit of Evil Fate revolves: - Loris Frismos: composer, guitarist, drummer - Tomas Valentini: bass player - Alex Zancanella: singer, lyricist (/song writer) Evil , as well as one part of the name of the band, seems to be our fate which fights strongly to achieve the long-awaited stability. Our personal idea is based on the will to express in our own way, moreover with a genre that perhaps has seen its better days gone by, a revisiting characterised by decadent tones, nevertheless powerful and poetical, of a maniacal thought, shared by the members of the band and soaked in reflection on life.

Black project (album) - 2013 In a swirling contrast with reality and its anti-human dogmas, the themes, expression of the need of contemplation and the ability of criticism , evolve from a social and existential observation to a final destructive breaking off: the only possible solution in a world dominated by humans abuse of power with regards to others. For all these reasons, the album 'BlacK Project' is the real representation of its creators.

Комета-С - Голос руин

Комета-С - Голос руин
Melodic Heavy Metal From Ukraine

"we would like to thank everyone who helped us with the album, from the early developments of the material and to this release.
Special thanks goes to our poetess Elena Kharlamova for excellent lyrics for songs, Oleg Goncharov of colorful album art, Nicholas Bardachenko for help in recording the bass and the guitar solo, Yaroslav Romanchuk for the keyboards, Alexander Lavrenyuk to work with us in the early stages of writing the material, as well as separately for the music for the song "I called living" ."

Download at
Post Link

CHAOSBRINGER - Immersion in Darkness

CHAOSBRINGER - Immersion in Darkness
Death Metal From Rsussia

 Old School Death Metal, Recorded in april  2016 at Creepy Lobster  Studio. Mixed and  mastered by Lapsha,  credits: released June 3,  2016 ,  CHAOSBRINGER are: Eugene -  Vocals &  Guitar Igor - Guitar Zitz - Bass Leo  -  Drums  Artwork by Igor & QSE4  NUNSLAUGHTER  cover is dedicated to the  memory of Jim  Sadist (1971-2015)

Ruinas - Demo 2013

Ruinas - Demo 2013
Sludge metal / crust From Argentina

 Ruins born in April 2013 after the dissolution  of human horror in 2012, david: battery;  Duck: bass and vocals and sheba guitar. dew  mid-2014 adds the voice beginning a new era  for the band.

sábado, 9 de julio de 2016

Blåk Monastery - E​.​W​.​I​.​L. A​.​T​.​O​.​M.

Blåk Monastery - E​.​W​.​I​.​L. A​.​T​.​O​.​M.
Heavy Doom Stoner Metal from Croatia

 Blåk Monastery is a 3 piece metal band from  Zagreb incorporating different styles of music  into an overall melting pot with predominent  metal attitude. The idea started around 2012.  and emerged in 2015. when Pest(Ratimir  Nebozemlja) joined Leo's and Iggy's evil  organization. Since then they've released an  LP in 2016 titled E.W.I.L. A.T.O.M.

 Name your price/Download at bandcamp

Forged in Blood - Demo (n) 14

Forged in Blood - Demo (n) 14
Heavy Metal From Italy

Forged in Blood of the sound is powerful and melodic, draws radicidal heavy metal classic and focuses stylistic lesson of the 80's in a varied and modern sognwriting.
The FORGED IN BLOOD is a heavy metal band in Milan; formed in March 2008 at the initiative of two former members of TOXIC YOUTH (r.i.p 1990/2007), Cristian (gt) and Novo (bs) and with the collaboration of the singer C.9 Roby and Mere on drums.

Download at Reverbnation


jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

Conqueror - Demo 2016

Conqueror - Demo 2016
Thrash Metal From Spain

 Founded on August 19, 2012
 influences: Manowar, Bici Hardcore, Ojete Calor,  Anal Cunt, Puerkocats.

 Download at bandcamp

Alcoholic Avenger - Session Time

Alcoholic Avenger - Session Time 
Crossover Thrash Metal From Brazil

The Alcoholic Avenger had its first training in mid-2009, with glaring influences Crossover bands like Municipal Waste, Dr.Living Dead, D.R.I Gama Bomb, Anthrax, etc. First runs scored, some experienced members other for the first time in the studio, and the band simply was not satisfied with the result. A initial idea was in line :Thrash Crossover, but all attempts were in vain . meantime several members moved away simply did not understand why not achieve the proposal we had in mind . from 2009 to 2010, the musical performance was very bad, just some riff that's the distance, we could say, that contained something to do with the Crossover.

We of Alcoholic just have to improve every show, our audience before almost nonexistent today is far greater, and tends only to increase, positive comments on social networks and applications of our material, are evidence that we are really taking our proposal to serious and of course we must acknowledge the support of all of you.

Download at Reverbnation

Genosida - Neurosis

Genosida - Neurosis 
Thrash Metal from Argentina

Geno-SIDA is a thrash metal band that goes around and never lower arms.
influenced by bands like Kreator, Violator, Megadeth, slayer, sodom ,Malicia, Serpentor, V8, mastifal, tungsteno, etc

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Pena de Muerte - Almas rotas

Pena de Muerte - Almas rotas 
Groove Thrash Metal From Mexico

The tragic life in Mexico was the inspiration for this band style unmatched, regenerating the metal in the area and giving fight the system, viva Mexico !!.
Looking route to an indifferent society towards joining forces and hailing one voice, the voice of the revolution.
Bring music to another level of truly free and powerful expression which Ought to be, impregnate dreams, ideas, thoughts, bla bla bla.

Download at reverbnation

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2016

Stone Grave - Tequila Mockingbird // Sleep Demon

Stone Grave - Tequila Mockingbird // Sleep Demon 
Stoner Doom Metal From Australia

Bloodbath Fanzine Melbourne's Stone Grave combine classic doom metal, a sort of bouncy groove (on track 1) and hardcore vocals (track 2) which quite frankly makes me headbang in a particularly deranged manner. For me Tequila Mockingbird is an enjoyable two track 'album' if not an entirely congruous one. Favorite track: Sleep Demon.

Download at Bandcamp

viernes, 1 de julio de 2016